1.11 Urban Lawn | Final Lawn Track in Phase I

Date: Aug 30, 2024
Track Layer: Lorie
Location: Field of Dreams, Browns Flat
Weather: Sunny, ~16C
Wind: No wind.
Track Lengths: 150 yds. and 300 yds.
The last urban lawn tracking session has been looming over us for a couple of weeks, and finding a suitable location was proving to be a real challenge. I needed to find a stretch of grass that was 300 yards long, which turned out to be easier said than done. I scoured the areas around Saint John and Moncton using Google Earth, trying to locate the perfect spot.
My first idea was to use the soccer fields at Rothesay Netherwood School (RNS). After some calculations, I figured that if I started at the top of the grassy area above the soccer fields, I might just get the 300 yards I needed. There was even a possibility to extend the track a little beyond the field by using some mowed grass next to the driveway.
My husband and I headed to RNS, and just as I started setting up to lay the track, a dog appeared out of nowhere. Before long, there were half a dozen loose dogs with their handlers. We waited a bit, hoping they’d leave, but it became clear that the field, being next to a popular hiking trail, would be a constant source of interruptions. Some of the owners were throwing balls for their dogs, and we realized this location just wasn’t going to work, so we packed up and left.
Next, I thought I’d try the Hampton soccer field. I knew it wouldn’t be long enough, but I figured I could track what I could and call it a day. However, as soon as I started laying the track, a group of men showed up to mow the field. So that plan was out the window.
My next idea was to head to the CN Sports Fields in Moncton. Rumor and I were already planning to be in Moncton for a scent trial, and since she was only entered in one component, I thought it wouldn’t be too much to squeeze in a tracking session at the sports field afterward. But Moncton was scorching that day. We had to wait around in the heat a bit as the trial was running late, and then wait afterward for the ribbon. By then, I decided it was too much heat for one day, and the tracking session was postponed again.
A week passed, and a friend and I were heading out for a field tracking session. As we drove, I remembered that the owner of the Field of Dreams mowed several feet along the side of the field next to his long driveway. I wondered how long that mowed section was and whether the grass was thick enough to serve as an urban lawn session. We decided to drive up and check it out.
It was perfect—at least 500 yards in total! I couldn’t believe our luck.
I laid the first track in the direction toward the farmhouse, and we tracked it. It was okay, though there were some truck ruts next to the track, and Rumor was really tempted to follow them. At this stage of her training, the visual of flattened grass still seems to be confusing for her. But once we passed that section, she did really well.
For the second track, the all-important 300-yard track, I laid it in the opposite direction. It also had some truck ruts, so I placed extra treats around one set of truck ruts. She tracked this beautifully. She was head down, and I was running to keep up with her. At one point, she took a sudden detour, lured by what must have been the world’s most interesting cricket. But after a brief insect investigation, she was back on track, handling the ruts like a pro.
At the end of the day, we headed back home where Rumor curled up and had a nap. Did we finally find something that tires this pup?
Rumor approached both tracks with enthusiasm, sniffing up the scent pad and heading off quite nicely. While there were some distractions, she committed well to most of the track, especially during the longer 300-yard session. Her endurance is really improving—it was great to see her finish the 300 yards as strong as she started. I was also quite pleased with my own handling today. My timing was spot-on, and I felt more in sync with Rumor than ever. It’s nice to see us both making progress!